The Boys.
Get to know a lot about the team in a short space of time from these fun bios!
Thomas joined the team this year as a fresher and was forced to find his feet pretty quickly. After a baptism by fire at the first event in Loughborough, Thomas soon had a reputation for himself, both on the water and in the nightclub.
Thomas has all the qualities we are looking for in a team mate - an ex McDonalds employee so he knows exactly how to finesse the ordering system for us, an addiction to Vensdays* so we can count on him to make up the numbers on a night out, and is part of the former GB squad so we didn’t actually have to teach him how to team race, (BONUS)!
Although we have never seen this boy capsize, don’t be surprised if you see him having a swim because he will entertain the idea of accidentally falling out the back of the boat when he misses the hiking strap!
If you can’t find Thomas he will be in his room watching sailing videos to the soundtrack of “I hate my law degree”.
Gabes has been on the team for 3 years now. After very little improvement by the end of second year, and notoriously trapping his crew under the boat he managed to turtle, almost all hope had been lost. After re-uniting with his favourite crew – Izzy - the pair of them have been going from strength to strength this season. With the lightest combined weight, they will race you up the beat in light winds and fly down the run on windier days… just don’t expect much from them when the real wind kicks in.
Over the years Gabes has fulfilled all the qualities we look for when scouting out talent for the race team... a house incredibly close to Club Chemistry! Gabes is dedicated to the team despite the fact that although it has been 3 years, he still hasn’t been bothered to learn how to rig the boats by himself.
If you can’t find Gabes he’ll probably be doing a bit of modelling on the side for his mum.
This Clifton College alumnus learnt how to team race during his PE Lessons at private school. He has been a member of the team for 2 years now and has provided many a laugh for the entire team; often at his own expense though! Rob is an extremely generous human being, kind, gentle, and well mannered; but that hasn’t stopped him from being at the receiving end of every joke since he joined... (SORRY ROB!).
Rob proves himself to be a valuable member of the sailing team time and time again. From sharing the hula hoops from his Meal Deal with us on a Wednesday, to bringing the finest bottle of sauvignon blanc to any dinner party.
If you can’t find Rob, he’ll be snaking us for a pint in K-Bar with the UKC polo team.
Izzy has been a member of the team for 4 years now, dedicating her whole uni career to the sailing team. After her sailing girls deserted her a year ago after having graduated, Izzy has been left to single-handedly keep the boys in check, making her the self appointed boss.
Despite being one of the most qualified members of the team, including being a part-time dinghy instructor and holding countless other certified qualifications, she has never shown her full potential. Izzy has spent her time on the sailing team out of the limelight by graciously crewing for the first team helms, helping the best be the best and really proving that it takes two to team race! Unfortunately, this gracious behaviour is not reflected well off the water, given that the centre of attention and the rowdiest at a predrinks is what Izzy becomes.
If you can’t find Izzy she will be in bed, hungover, regretting how many contactless payments from the night before are waiting to be approved by her bank.
*Vensdays is the name of the club night at The Venue - the on campus Student Union. It is an amalgamation of 'Venue' and 'Wednesday'.